13 de octubre de 2016

2,99 €

In a new, fun and mystery new promises in her dress outstanding in the art of fighting from the beginning and you kill all the enemies to focus on terrorism, he worked the village in order to occupy the whole world.

The Legend of the Samurai old in a small village in Japan every child loves murder and learns since the little dream that he is the only hero who can afford the bad guys and protect the village from thieves learn with the largest village manager is Mr. Jack was adopted from a young age so large student and became a great warrior every town talking about his magnanimity, strength and goodness love very beautiful girl in one day in the winter was severe air cool to everyone in the village at his home came the thieves and the abduction of this girl and petrology and pleads for help and no one hears and the sun shines again, and all in the village were stolen and was the hero goes to a house sweetheart Ki reassure them and discovers she was kidnapped and decides traceable in peace and go to hell. Who enters the country does not return again.

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